Quite by accident, we’ve been ignoring Kate Beckinsale lately. We skipped her Globes outfit because… well, there was an avalanche of stuff, and there was nothing either here or there about it, particularly. But then she hit up a couple Underworld Again: No, Really events, and we decided we’d better wake up and smell the pretty. Because seriously, whether you like the clothes or not, that woman is MAJORLY blessed. Why isn’t she more famous? Hollywood LOVES pretty. Maybe she should stop doing Underworlds.

Your call:

  • She looks fabulous (48%, 3,313 Votes)
  • She is more fabulous than she looks (28%, 1,919 Votes)
  • Feh (14%, 976 Votes)
  • Zzz... (10%, 656 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,864

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