I am genuinely torn about this one, so let’s break it down in steps.

Her lipstick makes her look washed-out and thirsty. The top of the bodice looks a bit like a giant, coyly smiling pair of lips. The design is very flattering,  but then there’s an unfortunate crease right at the Mason-Dixon line. Even so, I thought this was striking, and then I saw the back:

From the back, that interlocking design comes off a lot cheaper and strangely fitted, like a diaper made from a glitter pen and streamers. If I’d never seen that, I’d probably be a lot more favorably disposed; as it stands, I was intrigued from the front, and then she turned around and it’s junior-level beauty pageant. To me Versace often veers from glamorous into the territory of those old Baby Phat shows that we used to call “Where To Shop For Your Mail-Order Bride,” and somehow this dress manages to be both.

What's your feeling?

  • That's way harsh, Tai. It's great. (43%, 2,126 Votes)
  • It started out so well and then back disappointed and confused me. Like some of LOST. (48%, 2,336 Votes)
  • I ONLY like the back, so there. (0%, 14 Votes)
  • I don't like any of it (9%, 438 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,914

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[Photo: Getty]