There is no doubt that Georgina Chapman here is very pretty, and very accomplished, and very organized — seeing as we saw her at the Marchesa show in September three weeks after having a baby — and when she was on Project Runway this season, she came across as a thoughtful and smart judge. It’s always interesting to me how people come across as judges. Some — like January Jones – do themselves no favors, and don’t seem to have anything to add to the conversation. But then you take someone like Rachel Roy, about whom I was previously neutral, and she does herself nothing BUT favors because she’s clearly so very smart and thoughtful and is obviously coming from a place of expertise. Honestly, I don’t know why she’s not a regular judge on something, because she was great on ANTM too. Be that as it may: Georgina Chapman: not a screw-up. But let’s talk about her frock:

WWD @ 100 Anniversary Gala

In profile, it looks a bit as though she’s strapped a loofah to her body. Let’s take a look at the straight-on view:

WWD Magazine 100 Anniversary Party Celeb Arrivals In NYC

Now it kind of reminds me of a very high-fashion reinterpretation of Bjork’s swan gown — simply sans swan-head. That’s not, mind you, necessarily a BAD thing.

Tags: pink, ruffles