BEHOLD, the Girl Who Fears Color!

NEVER will she wear a hue on the far end of the Pantone color wheel! NEVER shall she allow an aubergine, a tomato red, or anything else named after a fruit to bedeck her form! NEVER can she be convinced to try a splash of ANYTHING! NEVER use the phrase “a pop of” within her earshot, or fear her wrath! Above all, keep your jewel tones to yourself! (In fairness, perhaps this is better than this.)

Your turn:

  • Yeah, yeah. But this is great! (23%, 1,090 Votes)
  • Meh, I have more of a problem with that bib she's wearing. (41%, 1,940 Votes)
  • MEH TO ALL. (25%, 1,197 Votes)
  • God. NO. (12%, 564 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,788

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