Keira is going through a MAJOR METALLIC SHOE period right now:

This photo was snapped the day after the Serpentine Party, and there were loads of pictures of everyone spilling into cabs at the after-party and yada yada yada I suspect Keira might have been a little hungover here NO JUDGEMENT. But I fear this dress is the kind of thing that only really works when the person wearing it is SELLING IT, or its delicacy (which I suspect is great in person) starts to veer a little into Droopyville.  And she is not really selling it, as I believe I just proved by the fact that the first thing I thought was, “oh girl, have some coconut water and something greasy” and not, “this is almost great, but I think the color is tricky on her.” NOTE: It’s possible ALL OR NONE of those things are true.

What say ye?

[Photo: Getty]