Olga was in the Bond movie Quantum of Solace, which I forgot existed until now, and which I just mistyped as Quantum of Solange. ALREADY it is a better movie. I also wish she had found a quantum of Solange in her fashion choices, because La Knowles has been looking really cute lately, and hasn’t — to my knowledge — been parading around a quantum of butt-cheek. Sigh. WHITHER YOUR DEMISE, TRANSPARENCY?!?

Or are they actually all interesting and exciting?

  • I love them (7%, 263 Votes)
  • I am so sick of see-through (49%, 1,817 Votes)
  • I am sick of you being sick of see-through. GET ON THE BANDWAGON, LADY. (4%, 164 Votes)
  • Some work for me, some don't. (32%, 1,191 Votes)
  • Noooooooooo (8%, 305 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,742

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