Well, I definitely like this better than the ballet outfit she sported in NYC, because at least this is more intriguing.

Look how tiny her waist looks — it might be cinched, it might be full-on pinched, but at least it hugs her shape in a super sexy way that I hope Anne Hathaway is noting for later use. Jessica and I agree that we love the lipstick and shoe combination, and the sexy rumpled hair. We are not entirely sure those textiles fit together even in a fashiony clashy way, although we applaud the attempt at interest. But whereas I had stronger worries about the bodice (will it stay up? Will it hold everything in?), she was more worried about the skirt. WILL IT BE A FUG DIVORCE? … No. But you can mediate anyway.

What do you think?

  • The top is a problem (26%, 2,676 Votes)
  • The skirt is a problem (10%, 1,031 Votes)
  • BOTH are a problem (19%, 1,904 Votes)
  • NEITHER is a problem (45%, 4,556 Votes)

Total Voters: 10,168

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