Things that go without saying: she’s gorgeous and I love her, and I want her and Michael Douglas to stay married forever and also, perhaps, I wish she had live-tweeted her reactions to Behind the Candelabra, because I suspect it was entertaining.

As for her ensemble:

She doesn’t look BAD in it — does she ever really look THAT BAD? Okay, THIS was terrible, but I mean, like, in general. But she also kind of looks like she’s wearing a bodyshaper with a tablecloth stapled to it. So that’s….probably not ideal?


  • No. It is not ideal. This is far from ideal. Do better, CZJ. (38%, 1,847 Votes)
  • It...well. I mean. Things....could be worse? I don't know. Leave me alone. (42%, 2,038 Votes)
  • This IS ideal! She looks fab. (19%, 935 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,820

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