I actually like this better than I initially thought I might.

I’m not sure what exactly was holding me back about it; clearly it fits her, and the Reese cups are supporting her witherspoons, and nobody has polterwang nor any other unfortunate imaginary lumps and bumps that usually come part and parcel with Stella McCartney’s curious dressmaking. Do we think it could’ve used a necklace? Is it that the gown feels unfinished without an extra splash of something? Or was I too distracted by this:

Tracy Flick lives! And she’s gotten herself a pretty spiffy lipstick and earring game.  I wish SJP had brought Matthew Broderick so that there could’ve been a really fancy reunion, although let’s be honest, the Reese Witherspoon movie we all REALLY want to honor with a Met Gala cast party is Cruel Intentions. Maybe that can be the theme next year.

But for real:

  • This is gorgeous (30%, 1,428 Votes)
  • This is fine and I am okay with that (41%, 1,978 Votes)
  • Why AM I not in love with this? And yet I'm not. (20%, 975 Votes)
  • Pass. (9%, 446 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,827

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[Photos: Getty]