Gone is the Letterman Dumpster, but it’s temporarily being replaced by its cousin, Incredibly Scenic Wrapped Rolling Table Full of Shadowy Things.

And that rolling table, right now, is thinking, “Man, my plastic wrap looks more convincing than her hair.”

Of course, it might BE her real hair, but it looks awfully plonked on there to me. It’s a plonkathon. The dress and bots might be a little much together, too, but then again, ninety-nine percent of other people would have worn nude shoes with this so hooray for her taking a chance. It’s not terrible. It’s all just… the hair threw me and I haven’t gotten my bearings yet.

Sort me out:

  • It is all adorable. (9%, 551 Votes)
  • The hair doesn't look BAD, but nor does it look real. (35%, 2,101 Votes)
  • The hair is the part I like. (2%, 115 Votes)
  • I veto all of it. (34%, 2,078 Votes)
  • I have multilayered feelings about his that no poll answer but this one can capture. (20%, 1,212 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,057

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[Photo: WENN]