This is a resplendent treat I did not expect to receive and I must thank Alexander Wang, who brought Mango as his guest (and his current muse), and therefore displayed a sense of humor I did not anticipate on this evening:

This man knows how to wear a sassy cape and a tiny hat like the best of them, and I feel honor-bound to suggest you revisit — or visit for the first time — the heartbreaking tale of his love affair with Ben Affleck, who is forced to impersonate Matt Damon to get what he wants (i.e., Mango). (For some reason that video only plays like 75% of the skit, but NO MANGO skits are on Hulu for some EVIL REASON, and you’ll get the gist. #NODISRESPECTOBENAFFLECK) I feel that perhaps it’s about time for a Mangonaissance, if only so we can understand why he’s got a giant hook attached to his belt and what his quad workout consists of. I also encourage you to read Mango’s Wikipedia page, if only because it contains possibly the most 1999 sentence ever written: “In one episode, Mango revealed that he himself harbored an attraction to Chris Gaines (Garth Brooks), only to have his dreams crushed when Gaines revealed himself as Brooks.” Readers who were not sentient beings in 1999: Yes, Garth Brooks had an alter ego for about six months and it was HILARIOUS AND WEIRD and sometimes I feel like I imagined it. Much as it is possible that I am imagining this. Because if this is real, than Mango was just hanging out with Anna Wintour last night, and that might be my favorite thing that ever happened.

[Photo: Splash]

Tags: CFDA, Mango