Notes on a Fug or Fab:

– Insert comment on excellence of her head/face region; bonus points for a Center Stage joke and double-bonus for a Crossroads reference, but demerits for Avatar.

– Question the merits of the patent-leather headband being passed off as a strap

– Inquire about the pillowcase stapled to her hindquarters

– Wonder if the dress itself is otherwise pretty

– Wonder if the dress itself looks like counting sheep in the night sky

– Wonder if you are, in fact, asleep yourself

– Wonder why you don’t have better hair on your own head if you are asleep and this is a dream

– Conclude this is not a dream

– Take a look at it from another angle

– Decide it looks much better if you pretend the satin scourge is gone

– Frown very, very darkly at that gigantic slap bracelet leeching to her shoulder, because it’s still not okay

– Admire her for looking wantonly gorgeous next to a lumberjack who may or may not be sniffing out the blood types of everyone in the front row, for snacking purposes

– Put it up to a vote

Put in a statement here encouraging people to share their feelings.

  • Put a choice here for "I love it" (3%, 93 Votes)
  • Put a choice here for "I do not love it" (19%, 519 Votes)
  • Put a choice here for "I emphatically dislike it" (26%, 713 Votes)
  • Put a choice here encouraging readers to say things in the comments about what they would change to make it palatable (7%, 194 Votes)
  • Put in something about how pretty Zoe Saldana is and how that helps the dress a lot (36%, 972 Votes)
  • Put in something sassy and nonsensical that is essentially a meaningless vote (8%, 217 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,708

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– Remember photo credit

[Photos: Getty]