Of COURSE this is by The Row. It’s so Olsen. That’s So Olsen, by the way, also being a show Netflix should churn out as a companion to Fuller House. Everyone would skulk around in satiny muumuus and round John Lennon sunglasses, and every conversation between any two people would take place only after they are smooshing their bodies together and then turning out toward the camera.

Nat looks as zoned out as I feel today, but who could blame her? She’s several time zones away from the U.S. and I’m sure that made it extra-exhausting to follow along with the election and its fallout. Which is why I champion her choice of gown even more than usual: She’s pregnant, she’s probably tired, if she’s anything like me then she may have eaten a lot of feelings yesterday, and comfort should be king in all those circumstances. This is as close to being on your couch in PJs and a robe as you can get without your actual living room. I wish I had this on right now. Sometimes a wine cardigan isn’t enough, and you need a wine caftan. Or a pajaftan. Okay, “pajaftan” is awkward, but you feel me. On very little sleep, I had my regular work, some technical back-end mumbo jumbo to do, two parent-teacher conferences, two pieces of writing homework with rough draft AND final draft (IN FIRST GRADE) that played into the beans’ various distress zones, one draft of which needed to be done twice. I NEED ALL THE FLOWING WINE AND/OR SLEEP CLOTHES.

[Photo: Fame/Flynet]