There’s an immersive exhibit about the life of Bill Cunningham — sorry Nigel Barker, but Bill is the most noted of all photographers to many of us — at The Seaport, through Oct. 30. First: I hope all of Fug Nation within arm’s reach of that exhibit will go and report back. Every single human in every single Fashion Week venue delighted at the sight of Bill with his camera roaming the place. He was a treasure; I teared up at the mere mention of his blue jacket and bike, and I only crossed paths with him a couple times a year for a set period. Imagine the folks for whom he was a daily fixture.

Second: Anne Heche went to the opening of the exhibit. There’s a quote of Bill’s they’re using on the posters that goes, “Style is something each of us already has, all we have to do is find it.” So let’s call this outfit tribute performance art — an intentional embodiment of The Great Search. Otherwise, she might be looking for a while.

[Photo: Shutterstock]
Tags: Anne Heche