This is a Carolina Herrera outfit* and is it just me, or is Herrera having a much bigger year than usual? My fingers feel like they have typed that name a lot, and to borrow from Shakira, my ‘tips don’t lie. This has a bit of a Blake Lively “I Bought The Whole Thing Straight Off The Mannequin And Wore It Home” look to it, but I also understand why it’d be hard to separate the pieces when they so obviously want to work together. I did think, upon first blush, that Kate had on surgical booties but in green. Then I realized it’s just that her pants are pedivores– they eat feet — and I wish she’d given them a pointy-toed boot they couldn’t digest. Still, on the whole, it’s chilly out there and this is a nice burst of warmth.

* MISINFORMATION. It’s by Akris! (And recently worn by Lindsay Lohan). The BAG is Carolina Herrera. Carry on!

[Photo: RW/MediaPunch/Shutterstock]