It’s Royal Holiday Card time, which is the most glorious time of the year! This year’s batch is particularly delightful. Starting with the Cambridges, above: This picture brings me much, much joy. Kate looks fantastic; Wills looks slightly exhausted but also really hot (like, attractive-hot, not overheated [am I perhaps into men who look slightly exhausted? This seems true]); sweet George in his snazzy wellies looks like he is REALLY about four and a half seconds from scampering up that tree and spending three hours there refusing to be coaxed down; Charlotte looks like she has just cracked the secret to cold fusion and cannot wait to tell the world; and little Prince Louis is the CHUNKIEST MUFFIN. Look at that baby in his little pull-over sweater and perfectly round little head, I completely plan to STEAL HIM. (Not really, British authorities; I’d never do that to Kate.)
From cozy and hectic domesticity at (I assume) Anmer Hall, to great romance at Windsor:
This is Harry and Meghan’s card, obviously, and it’s a photo from their wedding reception. It’s very romantic (and I’m pleased to see the back of this dress, so thank you for indulging me, Meghan), and a great photo and if they had sent one to me — and frankly, given that we magicked their relationship into being via our novel, they should have — I am pretty sure I would have framed it and put it atop my own piano. (I do not own a piano.)
And finally, Chaz and Camz:
“It’s been a very busy year, so here are some outtakes from some other photos we’ve done! We didn’t have time to do a whole other photoshoot and Mummy got irritated with us for sending out cards of us drinking several years in a row. A good, solid Romantical Gaze will just have to suffice. HAPPY CHRISTMAS.”