Today (so far) involved puppies! William holding George! And bracelets! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME, ROYALS? I cannot take it: THOSE ARE MY THREE FAVORITE THINGS. Anyway, it was W&K’s last day in New Zealand (which has looked so lovely; I really want to visit and I can’t wait for our fictional Fug Nation Wine Cardigan and Bracelet Retreat), and they popped over to the Royal New Zealand Police College and took a stroll through the Civic Center to meet and greet people — including, I believe, our own Fug National Lipstick Librarian, from whom I hope we get a full report! — before heading over to the airport to fly off to Sydney. Australia promises a reception at the Opera House and at LEAST one more outfit today alone, so I will be posting again about that at some point (probably quite late in Los Angeles, for our now traditional Midnight Post).

Here, Kate is wearing her Rebecca Taylor suit  — all blue suits for the royals this morning, all around! – which we first saw back in 2012. Taylor is from New Zealand, so that’s a nice farewell nod.

UPDATED: The final photo now courtesy of our own Lipstick Librarian, who had an excellent vantage point!

AS ALWAYS: Our complete coverage lives here; if it seems like you missed Day Nine, it’s because they had Day Nine off and presumably spent it sitting around eating  Twizzlers and playing with the baby.

[Photos: Getty]