This outfit makes me think of Cher Horowitz (and others, I’m sure, but she is one of my spirit animals… she’s in my spirit menagerie) calling something a Monet.

In the thumbnail, I thought, “Groovy.” And then I saw the larger version, and when viewed closer and in clearer relief, the pants proportions seem a wee Hammer and there’s some kind of sports bra/dickey happening under the blouse. Oh, and she’s wearing an actual pony’s entire tail. I’m thinking an A for concept and a C for execution. My first move is to rip off the horse’s rump clippings, and I might want to swap in a skinny leather pant with a lower rise. And scrap the dickey. Nobody should have to type that word.

Would you touch this?

  • Not with a ten-foot pole. (47%, 2,630 Votes)
  • I would, to change a few things. (47%, 2,662 Votes)
  • I would, to steal it off her body and wear it forever (6%, 333 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,626

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[Photo: Getty]