We have a princess, everyone!

Kate had the baby — 8 lbs, 3oz — at 8:34 AM in London this morning (she only got to the hospital at 6:30am so they must have waited as long as humanly possible), whilst we Americans were (mostly) asleep. What Kate Wore live-blogged it all (well, you know. What the public knows. She wasn’t in the delivery room or anything) if you want to catch up. I don’t know if Kate and Wills and the new princess (!!) will be leaving the hospital today, but they may well be, and of course we will cover that  — I just wanted to toss up this post because we obviously need a place to DISCUSS. Place your bet on possible names now! (You know I’ve been saying Alice since the beginning. Although now that Alice is #1 in the running, I have my doubts, but it’s too late to change now.)

Edited Monday, May 4th: We have a name! Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. I think it’s absolutely lovely, and a salute to a wide variety of people. I really didn’t think they were going to include Diana — simply because it might have seemed too loaded — but I am very glad they did.