Are you ready for major tiaras? Well, get ready.

If you missed it earlier this week, we had OTHER major tiaras.

We also wrapped up our coverage of The Crown, and you can catch up on that here.

Elsewhere of potential interest on the internet:

Given that we’re covering the Nobel Prize ceremony shenanigans this week, it seemed pertinent to share this, at The Guardian: ‘A troubling choice’: authors criticize Peter Handke’s controversial Nobel win. It seems like the Nobel literature prize has been fraught with issues the last few years; surely, there were other writers in this world who could be honored who are not genocide-deniers and war criminal enthusiasts?

In a massive tonal shift: Fergie gave a very wide-ranging and mildly wacky interview to Vogue Arabia.

I thought this was funny, at Jezebel: I Am Genuinely Shaken by A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby

At Town & Country: The Dress Princess Diana Wore to Dance with John Travolta Just Sold for $290,000. (It was expected to go for more, but Historic Royal Palaces swept in and bought it after it failed to sell at auction. That’s probably who should own it, anyway.)

Aw, happy birthday to the Twins of Monaco, who had their entire kindergarten class to the palace for a party. [Char and Al’s official FB page.]

This is a very neat video about the set design of The Crown:

And, in social media shenanigans:

Google tells me the caption here reads, “A Merry Christmas from the Crown Prince Family,” but I’d love to know why they’re setting up a tree for a horse? (It’s a very beautiful horse!)


Aw, these noodles!

I wonder if Edward is going to get to do more stuff now that Andrew is living in a hole somewhere. That would probably work out best for everyone. (Edward, though I never want to pay for photos of him, always seems like a more-or-less harmless chap.)

Meanwhile, Anne is plugging away:


[Photos: IBL/Shutterstock,  Terje Pedersen/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock, Tim Rooke/Shutterstock, Shutterstock,  Belen Diaz/DYDPPA/Shutterstock]