Go Fug Yourself

Quinta Brunson Parties on Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan gave its Party Issue cover to someone who’s had one hell of an uptick in celebrations in 2022. Quinta Brunson’s Abbott Elementary premiered a year ago yesterday, and since then, she’s become a fixture at major events, won an Emmy of her own and delivered one to Sheryl Lee Ralph, AND played Oprah in the Weird Al movie. She SHOULD crack up the sparkles and party down. Do I love this outfit, or pose? Not really; I feel like they shot it this way to try and mask that the top doesn’t fit, and it didn’t really work. But so often, magazines do a cover proclaiming something joyous about the star, only to pair it with a morose photo. So I am delighted that this is, above all, triumphant. You FEEL that for her, and with her, and for me it supersedes however I feel about the jumpsuit.

The story is mostly a Q&A, with bits about the Abbott set, and her background at Buzzfeed; it’s a light read, in a good way. I liked this, about how she got herself through a breakup, because her observation about Janine is so cute:

It was pointing at myself and saying stuff like, “You are worthy. You are free. You are capable. You are beautiful.” I know it works because I do it through Janine to help get me in her mind state. She’s someone who puts on her outfits that the internet hates, looks in the mirror, and goes, “Unique!” That’s such a quiet little revolution. And I remember being able to do that for myself. That breakup was so hard on me. It just broke my self-esteem. It was hard to get out of bed, to go to work. I really needed to do that to get through it.

[Photos: Danny Kasirye for Cosmopolitan; story by Patrice Peck]
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