First of all: I loved this book. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of it (as you can see in this pic), and it’s really, really good — the hype is for real. I highly recommend it, and I think it will appeal to Fug Nation:

Let us read the back cover copy (via Amazon):

THE WANGS VS. THE WORLD is an outrageously funny tale about a wealthy Chinese-American family that “loses it all, then takes a healing, uproarious road trip across the United States” (Entertainment Weekly). Their spectacular fall from riches to rags brings the Wangs together in a way money never could. It’s an epic family saga and an entirely fresh look at what it means to belong in America.

THE TASK: As the cover copy says, the book primarily focuses on a road trip (although — spoiler! — not entirely). I’m going to pick the (five!) winners at random, but for fun, imagine that you have all the time and all the money in the world to take your dream road trip. Where would you go?

THE RULES: All entries must be posted in the comments of this post by 9 p.m. Pacific time on Friday.  FYI, if this is the first time you’ve commented here, the system will automatically kick you into comment moderation, but don’t worry, I will rescue you. (Open to residents of the US and Canada only. Thank you!)