Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Emma Stone

I kind of like this:

I realize that it’s a bit…Fancy Tee Shirt Over Dingy Dorm Sheet Skirt, and God knows that doesn’t sound very attractive — can anyone really wear a Sheet Skirt with verve? But there is also something delicate and interesting about this look that I think is really appealing. I recognize that I just may have caught Emma Stone Fever after writing about her all day for NY Mag — with good reason, because she is awfully adorable — and this is just my ague talking.

Ergo, it comes to you to make the call:

  • You're dying of Emma Stone Fever and have lost all powers of reasoning. This is terrible. Get thee to a sanitarium and pray to be healed. (21%, 3,247 Votes)
  • This could be better. You may have raging Emma Stone Fever...but you may also just have a little bug brought on by seven years of looking at celebrity outfits. Have a Diet Coke and revisit this later. (40%, 6,177 Votes)
  • You're FINE. This is FAB. She is GLORIOUS. Why am I so HOT right now? (19%, 2,836 Votes)
  • No, it is legitimately good. (20%, 3,058 Votes)

Total Voters: 15,319

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