I am a little concerned for Ashlee’s career prospects that the only thing on her IMDb page right now that’s upcoming is something called Pawn Shop Chronicles, starring Paul Walker, Elijah Wood, Brendan Fraser, DJ Qualls, Vincent D’Onofrio, Thomas Jane, Matt Dillon, Chi McBride, Michael Cudlitz, and… basically, all of them are listed before her on the movie’s page, so I’m guessing her part is not that big. I worry about this every time we’re at Fashion Week, because occasionally she’ll pop up somewhere and somebody will ask what she’s up to and we’ll overhear a very polite but vague answer about how she can’t wait for her fans to find out and she hopes they’ll be happy. It must be very challenging to come up with different ways to say, “Yeah… nothing, really. It kind of sucks. Call me, CW.”
But I’m happy to report that she at least looks dramatic, in what I think is a good way:
My indecision is chiefly the matronly size of the sweetheart neckline, and then the feathers at her waist:
I don’t know that any girl’s rump needs a Charlie Chaplin hanging over it.
- Prettee (42%, 1,423 Votes)
- Uglee (17%, 585 Votes)
- ... maybee? (41%, 1,395 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,403

[Photos: WENN]