Did you know that Angela Bassett AND Connie Britton AND Peter Krause are all in a show together called 911? I would not have tagged any of those people for a FOX procedural about emergency services, but on the flip side, that trio alone is enough to make me check out the pilot. Hell, I watched ALL of The Catch just because of Peter Krause (his Sports Night! His Parenthood! His kind face!) and Mireille Enos (her hair! Her wardrobe! Her face!), and way more of Nashville than is normal because of Connie (her hair! Her wardrobe! Her face!), and at least three episodes of American Horror Story that I NEVER would have turned on normally, all because of Angela Bassett (her EVERYTHING!). So I guess they cast this right into my sweet spot.

[Photos: Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock]