I don’t often miss covering Fashion Week, just because it went through a fallow front row period, but seeing Cardi B all over town makes me wish we were nearby with a tape recorder. She seems very open and quotable. I mean, “Let me fat in peace” is my new mantra, and trying to get her to drop an even better sequel to that would’ve been fun.
[Photos: David X Prutting/BFA/REX/Shutterstock, Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock, Rex/Shutterstock, Gregory Pace/REX/Shutterstock, Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock, Neil Rasmus/BFA/REX/Shutterstock, Christopher Smith/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstoc, Zach Hilty/BFA/REX/Shutterstock, Kristin Callahan/ACE Pictures/REX/Shutterstock, Griffin Lipson/BFA/REX/Shutterstock, Yvonne Tnt/BFA/REX/Shutterstock]