Jess and I were just discussing that it’s been an interesting year for Olivia Wilde, sartorially, and then she turned up at the Hollywood Reporter breakfast in this:

I think it’s terrific on her: crisp, classy, perfect for the event she’s attending, and not distractingly unseasonal (even though it was warmer than usual in Los Angeles). Her makeup is even good.

The outfit IS a little busier than it looks, though:

The graphic is on each side, and then of course there are… I don’t know, snakes mating on her bum? I’m not sure how I feel about that particular embellishment, but I’m giving her the rest of it and then just pretending the back view never happened. I mean, it was a breakfast, after all. She probably got to sit down most of the time and hide the reptilian copulation and everything was fine.

[Photos: Getty]