We’ve officially arrived at the debut of The Flash, the cinematic proof that there is no problematic, dangerous asshat a studio won’t support as long as they think the film can make money. Entertainment Weekly runs down some of Ezra Miller’s troubled and troubling antics here, and the “Controversy” section on Ezra’s Wikipedia page has no fewer than NINE subheadings. But, hey, they had shot this movie and they were into it, so they doubled down on it coming out, wrestled a half-baked repentance out of Miller under the guise of going into treatment, and… listen, I’m not going to say they didn’t really get any help, but they’ve been off the radar and it’s unprovable exactly what went down in that time. Meanwhile, WB blocked them from doing any other events, and from speaking to reporters at this appearance.

Michael Keaton managed to come up with a “scheduling conflict” for this premiere. That left the heavy lifting to Michael Shannon — who reprises General Zod from “Man of Steel,” and who just gave an interview about how unfulfilling the superhero/cross-movie cameo stuff all is — and Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez (who I assume was just being supportive, but also loves this stuff), Jessica Chastain for some reason (maybe she’s Michael Shannon’s Emotional Support Friend?), and an assemblage of other celebs from various cinematic endeavors whom I hope were handsomely paid.

[Photos: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock, Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock]