Rachel Brosnahan’s hair here looks so Alice in Wonderland, in a way that is altogether too twee both for her and especially for her in this outfit. (She went blonde between Maisel seasons, but this also reads enormously like a wig to me, and if it is… why? Is Midge going to spend a few episodes as a redhead and she’s trying to avoid creating spoilers?) The Rasario dress in general, much like her hair, also suffers from a black ribbon interloper. It has plenty going for it without the appearance of tire tracks running down her front. Marin Hinkle seems like she’s just happy to be there, artfully avoiding having a reaction to whatever her TV daughter is wearing. (I appreciate her shoe efforts but they might be a bit daytime?) However, I love the pose Caroline Aaron is serving here. She is like, “I did NOT get out my sassy shiny blazer and this Cybill Shepherd With a Wind Machine hair just to go quietly into the night. CLICK. BOOM.”

[Photo: Rex/Shutterstock]