Hello, pretty redhead.

Nicole Kidman

This is good. I tend to think that I grade Nicole Kidman on a bit of a curve, because when she wonks it up, it’s generally so far up Crazyfool Avenue that she only has to walk back toward me halfway for me to be all, OH THANK GOD. Seriously, look at her from the CMTs again, and then tell me this isn’t like a freaking three-for-one martini Happy Hour by comparison.

It also has a dramatic back:

Nicole Kidman

Looking at it from behind, I find myself wishing she’d done a soft updo instead. It looks a little like she got custom hair extensions specifically to hang all the way down the length of the opening, which… isn’t the point of a sexy open-backed gown to show off your sexy back? Am I missing something? Is it also proven to thwart cancer-causing microbes and foster peace?