It would be very easy to show up at one of these Accessories Council things in a little black dress and then just throw on a bunch of elaborate baubles, and call it on-theme. So I love that Lupita did not take the easy way out on this one: Yes, she carried a bejeweled pineapple, but she also wore a bright canary gown with an aqua belt — which matches her mani and pedi — and then added a truckload of Pieces of Flair to it. I realize the latter description makes it sound like high-fashion TGI Fridays, a bit, and maybe it is. (Maybe Carolina Herrera wanted it that way because she REALLY LOVES potato skins and a mudslide pie and a drink containing LOTS of toothpicks full of fruit.) But if anyone can carry a lot of hoo-ha and frippery, it’s this lady. About the only thing she’s struggling with here are the crystals someone stuck to her face, and who can blame her? Glue and eye skin are not going to be a happy marriage for everyone. Still, full marks to her for looking sweetly seasonal and for throwing her all into this. She is never one to punt.