These photos were snapped last week at the Queen’s Christmas Luncheon — this explains why Wills and George came on their own; I suspect they had to get there early to get this done — and they’re very cute. It’s also not a coincidence, I suspect, that George is wearing basically the same shirt he wore the last time all the heirs and the Queen took a photo; this is also essentially the shirt that George wore for Louis’s christening pics, just with different sleeve-lengths. Everyone thinks Kate is in charge of George’s look, but what if George just really REALLY loves this sort of shirt? “EXCUSE ME, MOTHER, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO WEAR THIS SHIRT AGAIN PLEASE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I APPRECIATE YOUR UNDERSTANDING MY COMMITMENT TO MY PERSONAL BRANDING.”
Kensington Palace’s Instagram had a most informative caption, also. Ahem:
New photos of The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George have been released as part of the launch of the @RoyalBritishLegion’s ‘Together at Christmas’ initiative.
The initiative is designed to provide extra support to the Armed Forces and veteran communities at annual festive ‘get togethers’ across the charity’s network of outreach centres.
The four generations of the Royal Family are pictured here preparing special Christmas puddings — with the four representing a cross-section of those supported by the Legion, from the children of service personnel, to Second World War veterans.
The puddings will become the centrepieces of 2020’s get togethers, and form part of 99 puddings distributed across the charity’s network in the UK and the Commonwealth – also marking The Royal British Legion’s 99th year.
I mean, I’m never going to argue with Meaningful Baked Goods! (Apparently, those of you who get the Queen’s Christmas Speech will get to see video of this event; please report back about whether Chaz is better at stirring than he was at ironing.)