Welcome back, Alana, Esme, and Danielle, whichever ones you are! I’d missed their hyper-committed, hyper-coordinated brand of fuggery, which now rarely comes out unless they’re in the front row at a fashion show — in this case, Valentino and Givenchy, respectively. Left Haim up there, who is usually Middle Haim, is wearing shoes I really do not like, and which are incongruous with their matching ensembles. Middle Haim might have come out the best here, honestly, although Right Haim’s outfit isn’t terrible either. Left Haim somehow looks like she’s their rich mother.
The Shuffling of the Haims came again at Givenchy:
Those are all really good coats — very safe choices, too, obviously, but good nonetheless. Left and I may just never see eye-to-eye, or toe-to-toe as it were, on shoe choices. Honestly, this was a pretty rational outing all around, with just a couple oddities. Do we think it can last?