Time for Fugs and Pieces, 100% April Fools Prank Free, guaranteed!
– Royal Wedding in Legos! Who can resist? (Styleite)
– Pants, at last, provided for the pantless (including at least one of your Fug Madness finalists). Thanks, Photoshop! (Vulture)
– Karl Lagerfeld has designed these AWESOME Diet Coke bottles, all of which we obviously need here at GFY HQ. Bonus note of interest: the man has “a Diet Coke butler.” Yes. That is, I believe, the official definition of, “having too much money.” (AdFreak)
– Speaking of the Kaiser, apparently the REST of Chanel isn’t very happy that Blake Lively is the new face of the brand. Oh, darlings, spritz on some more No. 5 and get on with it. (Lainey)
– Wondering JUST HOW BAD the Wonder Woman script is? The answer is: OMG BAD. You HAVE to read this run-down. It is… YEAH. (The Daily Beast)
– I guess Courtney Love is mad at Kelly Osbourne for calling her a crackhead on Fashion Police. I hate to say it, but this problem would be solved by NOT ACTING LIKE YOU MIGHT BE A CRACKHEAD. (PopEater)
– Aw, I had no idea that Emily Deschanel was pregnant and I had NO idea that I would react by saying, “awww, good for her!” But I DID. I don’t know. Babies are cute. (Celebitchy)
– Earlier, there was this big hoo-ha from I think it was Life and Style about how Suri Cruise is at danger or something simply because she was photographed holding a bag of gummy bears in anatomically correct shapes, and I have to say, I’m with Katie Holmes on this one. (HuffPo)
– This baroque library in Prague – and the dude who is taking a really complicated panoramic picture of it — is fascinating. (Wired)
– Also AMAZING? This collection of photos of the Gatsby-esque mansions on Long Island’s Gold Coast. It just makes you want to get into your row boat and go see Daisy. Probably to chew her out, because Daisy Buchanan seriously needed a Get-A-Grip friend, but you feel me. (Curbed)
– Speaking of houses, did you know Jeremy Renner is a secret house flipper? People really do contain multiples. (Yahoo Movies)
– You need to read this fascinating piece on Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, an 18th century noblewoman. I can’t say more, other than that the following are involved: elopements, smallpox, secretly teaching oneself Greek, and the beauty secrets of Turkish baths. Fascinating, I tell you. (Millicent and Carla Fran)
– I think I’ll give you the headline for this and nothing more: Man Cannot Remove Tiny Hat. (The Hairpin)
– So, this is awesome. This dude decided to ask authors at book-signings to inscribe an insult to him in their books. The results are pretty hilarious. (Flavorwire)
– And, finally, two months from this very day, our YA novel, SPOILED comes out! We can’t wait for you to read it. Gretchen McNeil of the Bookanistas (and, in the interest of full disclosure, someone I’ve known since we were wearing horrifying 90s outfits because it was the 90s) read it recently and fell in love with Brooke Berlin (one of our heroines, who we can’t wait for you to meet), and we hope you will too. End of self-promotion! GO ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!