Getting shoved under a lorry is almost as good as getting pushed down the well.

PS: Last week’s recap went up at the last minute, due to Fashion Week, so if you missed it, you can find it here. (The master list of all Downton recaps is here; our MASTER master list of ALL recaps is here. That latter one lives in the black bar in our header, for easy access. Kinda. Easy-ish.)

A NOTE ABOUT SPOILERS: I know you lovely people who live in the UK (and you lovely people who have been watching by less than legal means) have already seen this season. I trust that you will continue to be lovely and considerate and you will not spoil those of us here in the US as to what we have in front of us. Please keep the comments spoiler-free. We all sincerely, sincerely, really appreciate it. Thank you! (It goes without saying, I hope, that if you have NOT caught up through season three, then this will have spoilers for seasons one through three.) And now….to MORE WANTING TO MURDER.