Okay, this is weird, but my first thought upon seeing this photo was, “Have we EVER seen Kristen Stewart’s toes before?”

I mean, we probably have, but… have we? I feel like her go-to heel is a plain black closed-toe pump, and even with the experimenting she’s done lately, she hasn’t gone toe-naked yet. Which is not necessarily important, except that I am somebody who for a really long time didn’t like wearing shoes that showed any of my feet, because feet are the worst. Maybe she’s shedding inhibitions, or maybe she is just really jazzed about her pedicure. I don’t know. It’s a step. As for the whole outfit, I like the leather dress comceptually, but think it’s a touch too snug — when your clothes give you topography you don’t have, it’s time to rethink the number on the tag. The main issue for me is the eye makeup. She looks like a Grace Jones junkie, and not in a fun way where she suddenly starts wearing things that you suspect might inflate.

Add it all up and then tell me what you get:

  • It equals great! (25%, 1,887 Votes)
  • It equals better (17%, 1,268 Votes)
  • It equals fine, I think (30%, 2,217 Votes)
  • It equals NO. (28%, 2,125 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,499

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[Photo: Getty]