Otherhood is a Netflix movie about three Empty Nesters who feel forgotten when their kids leave for college and ignore Mother’s Day (a road trip ensues). It stars Angela, Patricia Arquette, and… Felicity “College Entrance Scandal” Huffman. I HAVE to think this made for some negotiations when Angela agreed to make these appearances — namely, “Please do not ask about college, children in college, getting children into college, OTHER PEOPLE getting children into college, or whether anyone would visit Felicity in jail.” I mean, these are all friendly confines, so to speak, and obviously these people are all professionals, but you know. Anyway, if you can trust anyone to promote your project with scandal-free panache, it’s probably going to be Angela. Here, she’s at one of the late shows, in hot gold sandals and this gorgeous color. I wish the dress were better; it seems a hair snug, and the neckline a tad aggressive — like, it’s choking up on her collarbone and her neck on that one side in a way that reminds me of a time I got seatbelt burn in a minor fender-bender (I was not driving) from a poorly placed one. And it’s giving off the One Boob in a Tourniquet feeling, too.

Celebrity Sightings in NYC

The light in all these pictures was very different shot-to-shot, so it was hard to tell, but I THINK this is a black outfit with a navy corset? Sadly, whatever it is, it’s unworthy of the face she is serving with it.

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This says, “Of my arches, I can only ask so much.”

[Photos: Getty, InstarImages.com]