The concept of this post is exactly what it sounds like. Do you need a book recommendation? Post it in the comments (be as specific as possible, to get better recommendations — like, “I am looking for historical fiction set during the Black Death. Not Connie Willis, because I’ve read that one.”). Do you know a book that fits the criteria? Please share it with that person! And for this post, please let’s try to keep this to Ask for a Rec/Answer That Ask format, rather than just your freeform recommendations — but don’t worry, we’ll have a freeform book recommendation post soon, too!

This was inspired when I thought, over the weekend, that I wanted a Black Death book (let’s lean in, I thought), so if you do have a suggestion for that, have at. (I was also looking for a piece of fiction about the space program, but decided that I might as well just read The Right Stuff instead.) Your turn!