Multiple people VERY kindly wondered yesterday whether we’d be covering the NBA Draft, and I was like, “Ugh, NO, we never get photos that we can legally use, it’s a TERRIBLE BUMMER.” And then WHAT DO YOU KNOW: For the first time, they turned up in our subscription. I am DELIGHTED by this turn of events, even though the NBA tends to be a gaping hole in my sports knowledge. Chiefly, I root against the Lakers — local sports talk radio’s Lakers myopia drives me BANANAS, there is a WHOLE OTHER TEAM HERE; it’s like how they only want to talk about USC, the Lakers are DEFINITELY the USC of this town’s NBA teams — and for an underdog, in that order. Can I fake it? LET’S SEE, although: no.

Major props to the NBA for getting so many of these kids there, and having them walk the red carpet. Apologies for the CAPS, but I spent all day working on my And Just Like That… recap, and you know how that goes.

[Photos: Arturo Holmes/Getty Images, Sarah Stier/Getty Images]