So, obviously Jeremy Allen White’s outfit is not in question here, as he’s dressed very sensibly for a baseball game and he can rock a Dodgers cap. But Kevin happened to be at this game sitting a few rows away from him (we have a friend who sometimes gets nice seats), and he texted me at one point, “Carmy from The Bear is here and the place is going nuts for him. Security had to break it up,” along with a picture of a HUGE cluster of people clambering toward his seats. He later added “Women are screaming like The Beatles are here.” This is VERY UNUSUAL for Los Angeles, and at a sporting event, to boot. You’ll be happy to know, if JAW is your jam, that apparently he seemed very cool about it and willing to talk to people, and did not seem to be the one who called security — it just spiraled into EVERYONE deciding they wanted a turn and I think people couldn’t actually see the game at a certain point. Anyway, as I said to Kevin, people are MAD horny for this guy right now. We’ve talked before about the celebrities who would make you speechless if you met them, but is there any famous person at this point who would make you Beatles — or apparently Carmy — levels of off-the-chain, to where you belted out screams of adoration?

[Photo: London Entertainment/Shutterstock]