This suit isn’t inherently terrible. (What a warm compliment!) But Scarlett Johansson has developed this unfortunate knack for finding clothes that dominate her, or cast a frumpy aura, and this is veering that way. I keep trying to imagine how I’d like it on, say, Gwyneth, or Renee Elise Goldsberry, or Cynthia Nixon, or — given that my first thought was “Angela Bower from Who’s The Boss on a date” — the great Judith Light. It FEELS like this dress’s context is an older person than ScarJo’s 32 years, and then the rest would be down to vibe and styling. Which is also where Scarlett gets lost. I think Scarlett has struggled to inhabit that hair ever since she gave it the chop, and if she’d gelled this up into a punky mohawk, it at least would’ve leaned into the era it’s referencing. As it is, the hair participates in or perpetuates the overall aura of frump, to where I’ve decided she’s auditioning for the Linda Grey character in Models Inc.: The Musical. Which, come to think of it, absolutely ought to exist. Half those actors might even be available at scale.

[Photo: Backgrid]