Good news: This week’s Royals Round-Up brings you tiaras AND babies AND nuns.
And! In case you missed it this week, Kate popped out to hang with the Cub Scouts. (She and Wills and Harry have an outing on Monday, so make sure to come back then to see what they get up to.)
Elsewhere on the internet:
– Harry and Meghan were spotted buying a Christmas tree together this week. Harry carried the tree home on his shoulder. I’m really annoyed, in retrospect, that we didn’t put a scene in The Royal We where Nick carries a tree for Bex. IT’S VERY SEXY. [Hello!]
– Speaking of, we’ve got the first paparazzi shots of them together. [The Sun]
– And speaking of Christmas, Wills and Kate and the kids are spending theirs with the Middletons instead of at Sandringham because of course 2016 also wants to deprive me of royal hand-holding. [The Telegraph]
– You’ll enjoy this, at The Court Jeweller: Book Recs for Lovers of Netflix’s The Crown
– And this, at Town & Country: Victoria’s Costume Designer Shares a Sneak Peek of the New Series
And we have a LOT of social media bit and bobs this week, including snaps from the Nobel weekend that I was unable to get otherwise:
A photo posted by RoyaltyinArabic (@royaltyinarabic) on