Our newest Best Actress and soonish-to-be-Queen — for real, WHEN IS THE CROWN COMING OUT — had two events in two nights over in England, and she chose a configuration of blank pants for both. This suit is very simple, but is also the more effective of the two. The jacket fits beautifully, the blouse is fine, the pants are… pants… and everything makes sense. Not so necessarily with the second outfit:

BFI Chairmans Dinner

Now, unfortunately — on my monitor at least — you can’t see as clearly what you can in the Getty picture, which I did not realize until after I had downloaded this one. Here is the other:

Embed from Getty Images

So, yeah. It’s most of a gown, with part of the skirt cut away, and the right side of her trousers visible. I GUESS that might technically make the dress portion just a really long and complicated shirt? It’s all a bit heavy and drab, but it’s saved by the delightfully witchy shoes, which evoke a very glam Oz sorceress. I don’t think this NEEDED the distraction of trousers when it had the neckline and the footwear; I wish they’d just patched up some of that gap, tossed the trou, and called it a gown — or put these shoes with the other outfit and given me little to hold onto here. EITHER. Both.

[Photos: InstarImages.com]