When I say “never forget” these stripes, what I really mean is, “Never forget them AGAIN because I absolutely did forget that she wore this dress, which is weird, because I loved it.” In my defense, a very very very long and brain-mangling decade has passed since then. Back on January 30, 2011, the No. 1 song for this week was “Hold It Against Me” by Britney Spears (which wriggled between weeks of “Grenade” by Bruno Mars), the top film was something called The Rite about exorcisms and starring Anthony Hopkins, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was the top-rated TV show, and Hailee Steinfeld was a fresh-faced-14 year old handling the awards circuit for True Grit with poise and aplomb. We see a lot more patterns now, but a ten years ago, stripes felt like a lot more of a bold fresh breeze. It’s exactly right for SAGs night, and we can only hope she takes a page from January Jones’ Big Book of Instagram Amusements and hauls it out of the closet for a ceremonial re-wear.