Four years ago today, we published a juicy piece about all the fashion-related exhibits Heather and I visited while we were in the UK for the Queen’s 90th birthday, a tremendously fun trip that Visit Britain sent us on in 2016. Given that none of us are going places right now, or for the foreseeable future, I thought it might be fun to revisit all the outfits and accessories we saw while we were there, so I’m republishing that gallery here in case you want to take a little looksee. Think of it as travelling from home!

While we’re on the topic, a TON of museum are doing virtual tours and interesting stuff online, while they’re all closed. The V&A, for example, has a huge amount of materials online that you can explore. You can look at their collections of:

Definitely scroll down the pages for features on those subjects, too.

Historic Royal Palaces and the University of Glasgow has a five-week, free!, course about the history of royal fashion.

The Guggenheim has quite a bit of online features and exhibits, including an extensive look at the building itself.

The Getty has an interesting piece about their brand new Michelangelo exhibit (with video).

The Soane Museum — this is where Bex works in The Royal We — has this VERY cool thing where you can explore the building on your computer. It’s like a 3-D rendering and you are a ghost.

The Art Institute of Chicago has put a lot of their current El Greco exhibit online (and, along with a lot of their permanent collection, you can also look at their many miniatures, which are AMAZING. We visited the Art Institute when we were in Chicago promoting The Royal We in 2015 and I loved it. I really miss museums).

I could spend all day looking at the Smithsonian’s website. They have a huge digital collection — like, for example, they’ve got a bunch of old trade catalogs that I think are fascinating, like this collection of seed and nursery catalogs and they’re VERY neat.

Google rounded up a HUGE amount of virtual tours of Italian museums and cultural sites, via Google Arts and Culture(I believe they have virtual tours of basically every museum on earth.)

I know there are many, many others — so if you know of any interesting online museum-y things, please share in the comments!