What a week, you guys! I am ready for a million naps. In case you missed it, we had a plethora of Met Gala coverage on Monday, and you can catch up on all of it here. Heather and I are leaving for the UK for Harry and Meghan’s wedding on Tuesday, and if that sounds like your jam, you should probably follow us on Instagram! (Obviously, we’re going to cover all the wedding shenanigans in full here, too, never fear.) And yet I bring you much to read!

We rounded up the best and worsts of the Met for Cosmo.

I’m OBSESSED with this sort of thing, at Revelist:  IT’S THE WONDER DRESS. You can (allegedly!) wear it 20 different ways!

This is neat, at Town & Country: Met Gala Celebs and the Religious Art They Were Inspired By

I love logistics, as you know, and this is some good logistics. At the Hollywood Reporter, a look at “Cannes’s Fashion Fixer,” the festival’s on-call tailor. Here’s a taste of the piece, “Then there’s Nicole Kidman. Buffet once used a large tablecloth to create an impromptu garment bag to protect the delicate silk of the actress’ dress. ‘She is a phenomenal woman. She greeted every single member of the team,’ Buffet says of the Oscar winner.”

Lainey’s got excellent coverage of whatever the hell is going on with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry now.

Speaking of Lainey, this is a great WaPo piece about her. I particularly liked this quote: ““Is my goal to make men take gossip seriously? I wouldn’t say that, every day, that is my goal,” Lui says. “I will say that it’s my goal to have women’s conversations be prioritized. And I think we’re getting there.””

Pajiba reports on whether or not Brooklyn Nine-Nine might get picked up elsewhere since FOX CANCELLED IT THOSE ABSOLUTE DILLWAGS.

At Girls of a Certain Age, a lament I agree with: Why is it so hard to find bags that are not all crapped up?

Related, Good.Food.Stories revisit’s Sassy’s “Eat This” column.

Celebitchy reports that there might be something happening with Emma Stone and Justin Theroux and that is INTERESTING TO ME.

Also at Lainey, this is really interesting about how apparently TIDAL has been cooking the books with regards to how much Beyonce and Kanye’s music has been streamed (in order to make TIDAL seem more successful, but also paying out more to Bey and Kanye than they should have).

I love the By The Book column in the New York Times, and Samantha Irby’s this week is A DELIGHT. To wit: “What are your favorite movies or shows based on books? Is ‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ based on a book? Haha just kidding. I want to say something like ‘Atonement,’ by Ian McEwan, so that I can trick you into thinking that I am a serious person, but the truth is I never read the book OR saw the movie. I read ‘Misery,’ by Stephen King, and that movie was amazing. I can’t wait for some overzealous fan to kidnap me and make me write about diarrhea at gunpoint!”

At the Mary Sue: Yeah, this new robot is totally gonna kill all of us. Great!!