The Emmys are over at last! While we wait for the next awards show, please amuse yourself with the following:

– Next Sunday, October 2nd, Heather and I will be reading from — and signing! — SPOILED at the OC Children’s Book Festival! We go on the Young Adult Stage at 1pm, and will be signing after that. If you live in the OC, please come on out and meet us! (And tons of other great authors.) (Also, in case you were living in a cave all summer while we yapped about it: SPOILED is our young adult novel. If you have not yet read it, there is nothing better with which to celebrate the beginning of the school year!)

Tyra wants to made Modelland into a movie. OF COURSE she does. (Fashionista)

– This is a complex and fascinating article on corruption in the NCAA, and whether or not student athletes deserve to be paid. (The Atlantic)

Allegedly, Stacy Keibler wants to have Intern George’s baby. Oh, honey, get in line. (Celebitchy)

Wired is doing a whole series of articles talking to TV fact checkers; so far, they’ve talked to the dude who works on The Big Bang Theory, a former cop working on Unforgettable, and a small government expert on staff at Parks and Rec. (Wired)

– Kate Winslet is dating a dude who changed his name to….Ned RockNRoll. Yes, I’m sure he’s VERY sophisticated. (Lainey Gossip)

– What is killing indie music? Flavorwire has a theory. Ten theories, even. (Flavorwire)

– I loved this profile on the fabulous Mindy Kaling in the New York Times. (NY Times)

– A) Did you know that they’re making Celebrity Wife Swap? And B) Did you know GARY BUSEY AND TED HAGGARD ARE SWITCHING WIVES? This will end in tears. (Time)

Actual former Playboy Bunnies hate The Playboy Club. (Vanity Fair)

– In honor of today being that last day All My Children will air on TV, you probably need to look at this hilarious and complete flowchart of All Its Drama. (NY Mag)