Happy Thanksgiving, Americans! (Happy Wednesday, everyone else! We love you, too, and if you lived here we’re totally have you over for cocktails and cheeseballs.) I bring with me the Traditional Turkey-on-the-Head Monica, and tidings of gratitude. We’re very lucky we get to hang out with you every day, Fug Nation. That said, we are taking off for the holiday, more or less — I will be posting a Reign recap at some point over the long weekend, and if Kate and Wills and Harry pop out of the house dressed as festive mice, or something, we won’t let that wither on the vine. But essentially, we’ll be back with regular postings on Monday, December 1st. (Obviously, you can always chat us up on Twitter, too.) Until then, here’s to your cheeseballs and Chex Mix!
– This seems like a good time to remind you that there is a GFY Book Club on Goodreads! The December book is We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, and discussion begins on Monday!
– Per Lainey, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch are a GO for True Detective 2.
– Speaking of, here’s a little Tim Riggins and Tami Taylor together recently. (Cosmo)
– The AV Club has just informed me that HBO and Alex Gibney are making a Scientology documentary based on Going Clear, which is a very interesting book, and they’ve got A LOT of lawyers working on it.
– Vanity Fair has a very interesting piece on Micaela Erlanger, the stylist behind (among others) Lupita Nyong’o and Michelle Dockery.
– I LOVE GIFT GUIDES. (Ours is coming soon-ish!). This one from Cupcakes and Cashmere is good. So is this GINORMOUS one from our friends at NY Mag, and this (intentionally over the top) one from People. And this Under $100 one from The Fashion Spot. Or this one, from Eater! I COULD KEEP GOING. (I will, next week.)
– This look back at the first Victoria Secret fashion shows is eye-opening. It was not at all the EXTRAVAGANZA it is today. But Tyra Banks was involved. (Note: this post does contain many a person in her skivvies.) (Buzzfeed)
– Thanks to Vulture, you can now make your own Aaron Sorkin monologue thanks to their Sorkin Monologue Generator. DELIVER IT AT THANKSGIVING DINNER!
– Mental Floss brings you 25 facts about Steel Magnolias.
– This Celebitchy headline has a LOT of things you enjoy: Matthew Goode was posh with a buttery voice before Benedict Cumberbatch. (Although the piece posits that The Good Wife’s Finn and Alicia do not need to get it on and I am sorry, but there you are quite simply incorrect.)
– Did you know that ABC greenlit a sitcom called #winning? I am scared ABC got hit on the head and woke up and thinks it’s 2012. But appropriately, Pajiba presents the 10 Worst Sitcom Titles of All Time. And WOW THEY ARE BAD.