I feel like we were just here! I hope my fellow Americans had a fun and festive 4th and that everyone is enjoying their summer or if you’re in the other hemisphere, that you’re nice and cozy.

Speaking of summer, we rounded up a bunch of random stuff you might need for your upcoming vacations, from Air Tags to wet wipes!

Related: Kim France had a big post on her Substack today about all the stuff she’s packing for her long trip to Europe. I love packing posts.

This was a fun series of posts at Ask a Manager: The faked heart attack, the very smart dog, and other (amazing) stories of pettiness at work

I agree with Lainey that Tom Brady romancing EmRata would be GREAT for gossip.

Also thanks to Lainey for catching up all up on Hamptons 4th of July Party Gossip!

Related: Leo DiCaprio & Gigi Hadid were ‘together’ at the holiday parties in the Hamptons. INTRIGUING.

Well, this was a ride! At Pajiba: I’ve Fallen Into the Well of Watertok and I Can’t Get Out

This is fun, at Eater: 29 Great American Diners. I’ve been to two! I do love a diner.

Ooh, I love these striped napkins at (of all places) J.Crew! [affiliate link]

Because of the holiday, we just had one issue of Drinks With Broads this week, but it covered a lot of ground: The new Indiana Jones movie, the purported Uno film, the mess at GQ, and, of course, what’s going on with Kyle and Mauricio.

Related, at Vulture: Every Harrison Ford Movie Performance, Ranked

Sign me up! To read this, not to commit crimes: Inside a Heist with the World’s Greatest Art Thief. [T&C]

At Cracked: ‘The Horrible, Juvenile, Frat-Boy Behavior Is Off-the-Charts’: ‘Burn It Down’ Author Maureen Ryan on the Bullies, Creeps and Cosbys of the Comedy World.

Finally, you maybe heard that Meta launched their own version of Twitter, called Threads, on Wednesday. It’s basically attached to Instagram; you have to use your Instagram handle there. Luckily, our Instagram and our Twitter are both under Fug Girls — and now so is our Thread. (Threads? I dunno.) God knows if this will catch, but it seems to me more likely than any other social network right now, primarily because it feels a LOT like Twitter. You know Elon really wants to cage-fight Zuck now.

(Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images)