All you need to know is that there’s a slide here where the photo is named DOWNTON MURDER FACES.  We’ve got many a questionable life choice being made, in other words, but also some nascent romantical sparks, tragedy ahoy for Poor Edith, whose name I might as well just start shortening to PE, and some really, really, REALLY annoying kitchen maids. Can someone frame Daisy for the Upcoming Valet Murder that I’m predicting?

Finally, thank you very much for your patience in waiting for this while we’ve been at Fashion Week. This upcoming Sunday’s recap will not be so tardy, I promise!

A NOTE ABOUT SPOILERS: I know you lovely people who live in the UK (and you lovely people who have been watching by less than legal means) have already seen this season. I trust that you will continue to be lovely and considerate and you will not spoil those of us here in the US as to what we have in front of us. Please keep the comments spoiler-free. We all sincerely, sincerely, really appreciate it. Thank you! (It goes without saying, I hope, that if you have NOT caught up through season three, then this will have spoilers for seasons one through three.) And now…to FACES OF MURDER